We haven't chimed in yet about the football head coach search, because I personally find it ridiculous. Tracking plane flights, spending more time listening to rumors than you do rooting for the actual teams on the field, and letting Twitter control your life - it's all a bit extreme. We have no inside knowledge, we don't have experience as an athletic director, coach, or agent, and we'd rather talk about things that actually happen than things that might.
But now apparently the time is upon us to welcome Purdue's new coach.
Multiple outlets are reporting that Burke has reached an agreement with Darrell Hazell, formerly of Kent State. The contract may not be signed yet, so maybe I'm jumping the gun a little, but I'd wholeheartedly like to welcome Coach Hazell. He was a near miracle-worker at Kent State, and I'm excited to see the future of the football team under his leadership.

I know some fans who have been obsessed with this search feel like we got our second or third choice, but I don't care about the process. I care that we got a good coach who seems like a great guy, and following in the line of personalities like Tiller and Hope, I'm really glad Burke went with a coach that is likable while also producing on the field.
And it couldn't have happened at a more critical time, since
someone up north is now looking for a new coach. Shucks!
We'll have more reflection once everything is official, but for now simply Boiler Up!
p.s. Remember, two r's, two l's, one z, two l's. I'm sure we'll screw that up once or twice.
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